School Assembly Programs

"The Turnaround Specialist"
Choose from one of the following subjects....
...Or request a talk developed to address a particular audience or topic...
You've Got The Power!
As a young person today (college, high school or middle school) you've got the power! It is your right to choose how you want to live, dress, talk and who you hang out with. But keep in mind that with great power comes great responsibility and later in life we all have to live with the choices we have made!
Your Future May Depend On Your Feather
Someone noted that "birds of a feather tend to flock together". While the company you keep may not seem like a big deal, it could quickly and suddenly create unexpected outcomes in your life. This is a wake up call for every teen. Your "feather" (crowd) can indeed affect your future!
You Can Get There...But You Can't Get There From Here!
If you don't know where you're going you will likely end up somewhere else! Life is a journey and whether we are actively engaged in it or not, each day leads us toward an eventual outcome. So it's never too early to think about where you hope to end up, and to develop a plan and strategy to get there!

J. Thompson

Motivational Speaker