Non-Profit Organizatiions

"The Turnaround Specialist"
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How To Get Into It With Your Hands...Without Getting In Over Your Head
It began with a vision, a passion, a purpose, but is now threatening to grow beyond your wildest dreams. In this message you'll learn the keys to organizing and managing for the growth success naturally produces.
One Voice Makes A Difference: The Power Of The One!
Every vision starts with one visionary. Many who have had a significant impact on society, began as a single voice crying out for a single cause. But one voice makes a difference and history has shown us that one voice, refusing to be silenced, attracts others into what becomes a chorus for positive change!
(Non-Profit Version): It is a common trap for the business of managing an enterprise to overcome the purpose for which you organized in the first place. Refocusing on the primary mission and objectives of your organization is critical the effectiveness and future viability of your non-profit.
The Main Thing Is That The Main Thing Remain The Main Thing

J. Thompson

Motivational Speaker