Corporate Events

"The Turnaround Specialist"
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It's A Beautiful Thing!
Synergy. It's a beautiful, but elusive quality that separates the most effective organizations from those that flounder and struggle to remain competitive. But how do we achieve it? Here's how!
Customer Service Is Nothing But A Four-Letter Word: DONE!
Having work in service related positions for nearly 25 years, Coach John has a special message regarding the vastly forgotten art of customer service. Customer service is nothing but a 4-letter word: DONE! That's what the client is paying to hear and that's what cultivates true customer satisfaction.
Are You The Weakest Link?
It is the natural tendency in corporate organizations to accentuate the positives while ignoring the negatives. But our corporate strength is only as solid as our greatest vulnerability. Close that door and watch your strengths soar to new heights.

J. Thompson

Motivational Speaker